

fallout 4 unlimited settlement size console command

No longer do you need mods to have unlimited settlement size! Someone has discovered a way to have an unlimited settlement size in just 2 simple console commands. Credit to TheCoetzee for telling me this. Now enough chit chat, this is how you do it:

First walk to your workshop inside your settlement. Then open your console and select the workshop by clicking on it.

Then you need to insert the following command and press enter:
Setav 349 -1

And the same for the following command :
Setav 34b -1

Et voila. Good luck and have fun : )

これって ID 349 と 34b を調べれば 無限でなくて適正な値考えられるかも
34b  WorkshopMaxDraws 1200.00             
349  WorkshopMaxTriangles 1,200,000.00  百二十万


Pacifist の IceHair がRigmorをやるなんて!

なんとIceHairさんがRigmorやるのを見られるとは! 同じSE版だしこれは!って思ってタイトルみたらレビューだけでした(悲しい)