
Enderal のMOD作りにはLE用のCKにEndrealを認識させなくてはならんよね


で、検索したらSureAiのフォーラムにあった これに従えばOKだな

The Creation Kit can only be executed from the steamapps\common\Steam folder. Additionally, it is hardcoded to look for Documents\My Games\Skyrim.ini and Documents\My Games\SkyrimPrefs.ini, which Enderal doesn't use.

The SKSE version that comes with Enderal doesn't support the current version of the Creation Kit, so you cannot run the CK through SKSE to use the SkyrimRedirector plugin to redirect those files.



We're going to use Symbolic Links. These are like shortcuts, but they're followed automatically by any program without any extra logic. If you make a symbolic link at My Games\Skyrim that has My Games\Enderal as a target, every file that is read or written to My Games\Skyrim will end up at My Games\Enderal instead.

Unfortunately, you can only create Symbolic Links as an admin in Windows. So, in order to run any scripts or commands that follow, make sure you're running as an Administrator.

If you want to keep the Creation Kit at steamapps\common\Skyrim, you can just make a symbolic link at Skyrim\Data targeting the directory Enderal\Data. This works, but doesn't help with organization if you want to keep both Skyrim and Enderal installed at the same time.

Scripts Sources
If you open the CK now, you'll notice that it works, but you're unable to see any script sources. That's because the script source files in Enderal come packed in a .bsa, but the Creation Kit can only read loose files.
You'll need to use a program that can read .BSAs, such as Bethesda Archive Extractor, to open the "Data\E - Scripts.bsa" archive and extract the "scripts\source" folder from inside the .BSA to your Data folder.
When you're done, your should have a bunch of .psc files inside of the Enderal\Data\Scripts\Source directory, and the CK should show you the source code of scripts and let you edit them now.

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