
新人のためのクラフトメモ Steamより

If you're going with a summoner build than you pretty much want anything that says it improves your minions. Equipment that says it improves your spell or elemental damage will not improve your minion damage, so it doesn't do you any good (unless of course you decided to pick up a damage spell of your own). Although if you're using SRS then cast speed will be useful (casting faster will allow you to get more skulls out at once since they have a limited duration).

So what's more important than the type of equipment you're using is the stats they grant and gem slots available on them. You want gem slots that allow you to socket in the skill gems you plan to use, and you want stats on your gear that improve yoru defenses and make your minions stronger.

Something you may not be aware of is that the vendors act as a rudimentary crafting system when you sell items to them. Selling certain combinations of items will give you back certain types of loot.
As a summoner, here are two "recipes" in particular you may want to keep in your mind.

You can craft a Wand that increases the level of slotted skill gems of a specific element by 1.
If you're using Summon Raging Spirit, which is a fire skill, then you could benefit from one of these fire wands.

You'll want to find a magic (meaning its name is blue) wand, a Ruby ring of any rarity, and an Orb of Alteration. Sell all 3 of these items to a vendor at once, and you'll get back a new wand that gives fire gems +1 level while slotted into that weapon. 
For any other elemental wand, just swap the Ruby ring for a ring of the element you want.

Similarly, you can craft a helmet that gives +1 level to all socketed minion skill gems. 

Like above you need to sell a magic helmet, an Orb of Alteration, and a Life Flask with the "of Animation" suffix. That last part will be more difficult to find, but it's worth keeping in mind and looking out for. A free +1 to your minions' level can be a big boost while leveling.


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