
Kragenirs Death Quest 作者のポストが面白かった

Kragenirs Death Quest by Povuholo and Malchik

Afk Weyeのクエ面白いんだけど、駆け出しのキャラにはキツイなって思ったので、Kragenirs Death Quest を混ぜることにした
Dagerfall Memoriesも考えたんだけど、あれってWindfallと同じで別の世界に行ってしまう感があるので、今回は見合わせた。
まあ、Afk WeyeとKragenirsはどっちもニュートラルなキャラにやらせたかったんで良い機会だなと思う。



Kragenir's Death Quest: A retrospective.

Long time no see guys. I wanted to talk about how this crazy project of mine came to be.

I believe that I started working on this project in 2007, when I was 16 years old (I'm 25 now! ). It started out as a quest mod with just a main quest, featuring many fairy tale references and lots of sillyness. All the modding was done by me, and most of the quests/dialogue/books were done by a writer friend of mine from the UK. As I started this project I had a bit of experience with modding, but not a lot. I learned a lot as the mod progressed, and I had to partially redo the early sections of the main quest because of mistakes I made. I think this serves as a good warning to beginning modders: Don't start your first project with something huge, because you will make mistakes. And fixing those afterwards can be a pain in the ass.

Still, things worked out. But the project got bigger. My friend started writing side quests for every single city and village in the game, and a whole bunch of extra 'Less Generic NPCs' style dialogue that we released as an add-on. Oblivion has a lot of dungeons and NPCs that aren't used for anything special, so we wanted to address that. He also wrote a bunch of books, and we added unique items to various vanilla dungeons. Mind you, all of this was done before the mod had its initial release. Looking back it is pretty insane how big the project became, and I'm surprised I managed to finish it at all without cutting any corners. I guess that's the advantage of not working with a team, and the fact that we relied for the most part on vanilla assets and locations. This screenshot from the walkthrough guide shows the full list of side quests. In 2009, somehow, we finally managed to release the mod.

My writer friend helped me to bugtest the mod, but as the writer he didn't have a completely neutral perspective either. When we released it to the public it turned out that people found some quests really unclear and there were a bunch of bugs. Not a disaster, but it had to be adressed. After several small patches I worked on a big 2.0 update with improved quest directions and many bugfixes. We also wrote a walkthrough for the majority of quests. Somehow my friend convinced me to add even more quests he wrote for this update.

This is the biggest project of any kind I've ever done in my life and while it has its flaws I am really proud of it. Special thanks also go to WalkerInShadows for releasing several updates to the mod (especially for optimizing my awful scripting) and helping people with their questions after I retired from Oblivion modding in 2011. I've done some small projects for other games since but not anything like this. I don't know if I will ever do something like this again. But I don't regret it one bit.

Thanks for reading! I love the Bethesda modding communities and I'm glad I was able to give something substantial back to it.

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