
TES4 今回はこのRedditの書き込みをじっくり検証したいと思ったんだけど…

I don't understand why people bash the vanilla melee combat system in Oblivion.
Steamでも似たような Vanilla戦闘ええやんってスレッドがあった気がする同じ人が書いたのかな。

1.Fast Paced
The swing speed and swing transition to blocking in Oblivion is much more realistic and fast-paced than in Skyrim, which allows for more creativity.
Almost any competent NPC with a sword and armor can fuck you up in Oblivion and I love it.  確かにFuck me up in Oblivionな気分になりますわ
All in all, it doesn't really matter if you have the best gear in the game, you can still get your shit pushed in if you don't learn the game mechanics or switch up your attack strategy.

2.Skill Gap
It took me at least two playthroughs to really get a grasp on the melee combat such that I was being as effective as possible.
 I've been able to enjoy the game that much more ever since. In fact, my competence with the melee combat system and the rewarding feeling I get from felling my foes swiftly and delicately are what bring me back to Cyrodiil time and time again.

I believe the two most important skills for wreaking havoc with your sword or axe are athletics and acrobatics. With skill and deliberate movements, one can always place themselves in an ideal position for defense and offense.
ヘタレなワタシは最近は I am a Arena Combatant などというセコイ魔法を開発してアリーナ闘士になると自キャラにも+40、+40を施しているにも関わらず敵に囲まれるとまったく歯が立たないのだが……
 The hit-boxes in oblivion for the player and the weapons are fairly precise, allowing for many opportunities to dodge attacks and and land attacks using movement. うーんこれがね自分はヘタなんすよね(涙) どっしり盾で受け止めるしかできないんすよねえ。でボコられるというね。Immediately after a successful block, the player can shift either left or right, placing their strikes right outside of the enemy's block zone, effectively flanking their defense, as well as keeping out of range from their attacks.あーもう無理かも
I strongly recommend playing in first person, so the strikes can be placed as precisely as possible. Utilizing movement can also be used as an effective side-step.

Blocking is very quick after a strike and if the player holds down the block mid swing, right after the swing hits, the player will go into a block. ここよく分からんのだがブロックを始めるタイミングが自分は解ってないのやな。

3.Hit Boxes/Weapon Range
As I said before, the hit boxes in Oblivion are pretty damned precise, and can be used to the player's advantage if the player learns the in-game ranges of different weapon types and attacks from humanoids as well as different creatures and Daedra.

4.Power Attacks/Skill Perks

5.Fatigue/Swing speed
Every swing uses fatigue(amount depending on the weight of the weapon), and every weapon has a different swing speed(non-reliant on weight).


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